Monday 9 July 2012


Jane Anderson, formally of Moon and Earth Connections, has written a series of booklets for women and growing girls called the Trinity Series, the Maiden Mother Crone set...

A Mother And Daughters Guide to Menstruation

A Woman's Guide: Womb Luna Love

Becoming Grandmother and The Spirit of  Menopause

This set is a comprehensive concise collection of ancient wisdom, poetry and a personal journey...

How are women innately connected with the Earth and Moon phases?

What do native and ancient cultures teach us about ourselves and our bodies connection with the moon and earth, Spirit and nature?

How can we help redefine ourselves and help the transformation of the planet by honoring who we really are?

Can the process of Menopause be softened by acceptance of what is, and allowing time for change?

These booklets can be purchased at:

or by phoning Jane Anderson in Australia on 0428 402 314

or emailing:

Jane Anderson formally of Moon and Earth Connections, now writes, works in disability care and enjoys her simple life in Southern Tasmania with her growing family....

Thank you all for your support over the years...

Blessings for the journey, live for TODAY!

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